Paul Ingelbrant wrote:
> Possibly you need breaks? :-)
Good point!
However it's hard for the Delphi guys to ;-)
Arno Garrels
> switch(RqType)
> {
>case smtpConnect: SMTP->Helo(); break;
>case smtpHelo: SMTP->MailFrom(); break;
>case smtpEhlo: SMTP->Auth(); break;
Possibly you need breaks? :-)
case smtpConnect: SMTP->Helo(); break;
case smtpHelo: SMTP->MailFrom(); break;
case smtpEhlo: SMTP->Auth(); break;
case smtpAuth: SMTP->MailFrom(); break;
case smtpMailFrom: SMTP->RcptTo(); break;
case smtpRcptTo: SM
Ole Braad-Sørensen wrote:
> When using above code I get the famous error "Component not ready"
> and the mail-server log show:
You do not check for ErrCode = 0 in OnRequestDone.
Put a break point before or at the switch statement and single-step
thru the code. That will show you what's wrong.
I know this is a vFAQ, but please read anyway :-)
Using Codegear C++2009, I have tried to use the example "Mailsnd".
My code:
SMTP->Host = Data->TAoplysning->FieldByName("Mailserver")->AsString;
SMTP->Port = Data->TAoplysning->FieldByName("Port")->AsInteger;
SMTP->SignOn = Data->TAoplysning-