Hello Arno,
I found it. It is like you say. In TryToSend there is no check, and in
OnSessionClose I deactivate a lower level proto layer, and this one
sends a 'deactivate' packet.
What happens is that State is still wsConnected in OnSessionClose, and I
use it in that layer to send or not send the
Arno Garrels wrote:
> Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
>> Hello Arno,
>>> I think it is impossible that OnSessionClosed is fired twice, because
>>> it is always checked whether FCloseInvoked = FALSE.
>>> Isn't it possible that there are multiple instances?
>> I just ahve posted same message again,
Hello Arno,
> You may be right since in procedure TCustomWSocket.TryToSend FCloseInvoked
You are right, and I think that is the problem. I still have to check
because it's a rather complicated thing. But I think the 'Sending TCP
packet' is done from in the OnSessionClosed event handler. I think i
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> Hello Arno,
>> I think it is impossible that OnSessionClosed is fired twice, because
>> it is always checked whether FCloseInvoked = FALSE.
>> Isn't it possible that there are multiple instances?
> I just ahve posted same message again, sorry for that (need some
> c
I was also thingking wy there is an OnDataSent. Also I checked the code
where I send witch should give an exeption eather coming from my code or
fromt TWSocket if it is closed:
if FLogEvents then
TriggerLogEvents('Sending TCP packet');
if FCli.State <> wsConnect
Hello Arno,
> I think it is impossible that OnSessionClosed is fired twice, because
> it is always checked whether FCloseInvoked = FALSE.
> Isn't it possible that there are multiple instances?
I just ahve posted same message again, sorry for that (need some
coffee). No there is only 1 instance th
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> The wierd thing is that OnDataSent is fired hier above ! But I cannot
> understeand wy 2 times a OnSessionClosed without a Connect in between.
> Anyone ever saw this ?
I think it is impossible that OnSessionClosed is fired twice, because
it is always checked whether FCl
Have something very strange. At customar it is client program and they
connect via VPN over internet to server. What I dont know is if they
have obscure (software) firewalss who are messing up Winsock, so:
1/14/2006 11:25:58 PM OnSessionClosed with error: 10053
1/14/2006 11:25:58 PM Sendin