Arno Garrels wrote:
>> I already use wsoNoReceiveLoop in the ComponentOptions.
>> The problem is indeed that the large amount of socket messages is
>> send in a blocking loop.
>> Your proposal would be a appropriate work around, but i think this
>> will slow down the communication.
> I don't thi wrote:
>> Have you already tried to include wsoNoReceiveLoop in client objects'
>> ComponentOptions? Also are those large amount of socket messages sent
>> in a blocking loop? If so, change that to send the next message when
>> the previous one actually has been sent, that is when schrieb am 08.03.2012 15:12:18:
> [Bild entfernt]
> Re: [twsocket] USERPostMessageLimit
> Arno Garrels
> an:
> ICS support mailing
> 08.03.2012 15:12
> Gesendet von:
> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am using the Standard TWSocket in a Server and round about 70
> Clients. After a Client is connected to the Server, the Client starts
> immediately to send string messages. After some sort of filtering the
> messages are broadcasted to a subset of all connected Clie
i am using the Standard TWSocket in a Server and round about 70 Clients.
After a Client is connected to the Server, the Client starts
immediately to send string messages. After some sort of filtering the messages
are broadcasted to a subset of all connected Clients.
Especially at start up some