Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> Do you mind if I reply via private email?
> No problem.
Email sent.. I wrote it last night while the thoughts were fresh in my
mind.. Sorry for it being so long!
>> I'm afraid this particular topic may quickly run away from the ICS
>> mailing
> Do you mind if I reply via private email?
No problem.
> I'm afraid this particular topic may quickly run away from the ICS
> mailing list topic(s)
It is a question asked probably once a month, albeit some people may get
bored by the same answers each month.
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To: "ICS support mailing"
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:18 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Thread Opinion
> I know, I know, its been said many times on this mailing list that
> threads are usually a Bad Thing, and that TWSocket in async mode can
> handle mos
Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> As far as threads.. Was thinking that TWSocket itself would not be
>> in a thread.. However, the packet processor and relay code would
> new line triggered off the write event for the last line, with a FIFO
> buffer in case data arrives faster
> As far as threads.. Was thinking that TWSocket itself would not be
> in a thread.. However, the packet processor and relay code would
> be.. More specifically, at the server level, buffer the incoming
> data to some pre-determined amount, then fire off a thread to
> process that buffer..
I know, I know, its been said many times on this mailing list that
threads are usually a Bad Thing, and that TWSocket in async mode can
handle most anything with ease..
But still, I have to ask for you guys' opinion..
The client server would not be multi-threaded.. Theres just not enough