Hello Snake,
You are typecasting the server as your clientclass instead of the
client. It should be:
procedure TFrmTest.ServClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Client: TWSocketClient;
Error: Word);
// TWSockClient(Sender).MyEvent := Test; // wrong
TWSockClient(Client).MyEvent := Test; //
Ware (Multi-tier framework, freeware)
- Original Message -
From: "Snake Liquid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 7:39 AM
Subject: [twsocket] TWSocketClient inheritance problem
> hello,
> i have defined a small class for ClientCl
i have defined a small class for ClientClass to use with TWSocketServer wich
have an event that it should call, but i remarked that when the server try to
call TriggerClientCreate(Client); in the TriggerSessionAvailable method, it
calls my event ..
here is the class :
unit Test;