Kurt Andersen wrote:
> When using the TSslWSocket in both client and server application,
> will the Root cert always be sent before the
> Certificate e.g. two handshake done events with root cert first and
> cert second ?
There is only a single handshake done event regardless of how
many certific
first and cert second
Best regards
-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: twsocket-boun...@elists.org [mailto:twsocket-boun...@elists.org] På vegne
af Arno Garrels
Sendt: 8. september 2010 15:22
Til: ICS support mailing
Emne: Re: [twsocket] SSL OnSslVerifyPeer vs. OnSslHandshakeDone
> I'm a bit puzzled about what the exact purpose of the HandshakeDone
> event is then.
> Is it to verify that the SSL connection is now complete with(out)
> errors ?
When it triggers without error the certificate chain verification
completed successfully. In case of option SslV
Being a newbie on the SSL front I am a bit confused about the events
"OnSslVerifyPeer" and "OnSslHandshakeDone"
of the TSslWSocket.
Arno helped me out in a previous post and explained the "SslVerifyPeer"
event as:
"The purpose of SslVerifyPeer is to check for a complete, valid a