> reminder that many times and where IWEditMsgNum.Text is increased /
> decreased with the values __of an array that contains all msgnum.
> I can only read the first message. Why?
Since you do not answer any of the questions you are asked, and only copy
parts of your code with no explanation of
I run the form OnCreate event
SyncPOP3Cli.Host: = host;
SyncPOP3Cli.Port: = port;
SyncPOP3Cli.UserName: = username;
SyncPOP3Cli.Password: = password;
methodname: = 'OpenSync';
methodname: = 'StatSync';
SyncPOP3Cli.MsgNum: = 0;
Alfonso Del Vecchio wrote:
>> except
>>on E: Exception do
>> WebApplication.ShowMessage('Errore metodo: ' + methodname);
Since this is a WebApplication, are you sure the thread your POP3
client is created in has a working message pump?
I never worked with TWebApplication but I doubt it
> SyncPOP3Cli.MsgNum := MsgNum;
> SyncPOP3Cli.StatSync;
How do you set the value of MsgNum?
Why do you want to send it before asking for the total number of messages
on the POP3 server?
> SyncPOP3Cli.MsgNum := MsgNum;
> SyncPOP3Cli.ListSync;
Why do you ignore the result of the
Questa è la procedura che utilizzo per acquisire i messaggi:
SyncPOP3Cli.Host := host;
SyncPOP3Cli.Port := port;
SyncPOP3Cli.UserName := username;
SyncPOP3Cli.Password := password;
methodname := 'OpenSync';
methodname := 'StatSync';
SyncPOP3Cli.MsgNum :=
Imposed on the host, user, password, etc.. I run in order opensync, statsync,
listsync, uidlsync, and retrsync quitsync.
It 's always the same procedure only changes the value of msgnum course.
When you start running with msgnum = 1 is ok. Any value set does not produce
results, and then I notice
> We summarize. I have to read e-mail. I read the first post and everything
is ok (they
> are executed properly onheaderend events, onmessageend, ...
> Step to read any other message (which exists) is not getting any error
message but
> still displays the information of the first message and even
I think I have understood little or nothing.
We summarize. I have to read e-mail. I read the first post and everything is ok
(they are executed properly onheaderend events, onmessageend, ...
Step to read any other message (which exists) is not getting any error message
but still displays the info