Yes, I thought about doing it but wanted something not that dirty :-) .
Anyway, I did it and so far it just works. No problems at all.
> Оригинално писмо
>От: "Arno Garrels"
>Относно: Re: [twsocket] Is there a SSL/TLS version of THtmlSmtpCli
Иван Тонев wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to send HTML emails with attached images (just what
> THtmlSmtpCli is for) but to a SSL/TLS SMTP server (GMail actually).
> Is there a SSL enabled version of THtmlSmtpCli
No, however you could try to change (OverbyteIcs)SmtpProt.pas
like below and the rebuil
I'd like to send HTML emails with attached images (just what THtmlSmtpCli is
for) but to a SSL/TLS SMTP server (GMail actually). Is there a SSL enabled
version of THtmlSmtpCli or is there a way to accomplish this task with
TSslSmtpCli somehow? I'm sending plain-text nessages with TSslSmtp