Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:41 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Implementing STUN, RFC3489
> Francois PIETTE wrote in
> Re: [twsocket] UDP Concept doubt:
>> UDP packets are not fragmented at the application level, but you may
>> get
>> duplicates, or miss some packet,
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:41 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Implementing STUN, RFC3489
> Francois PIETTE wrote in
> Re: [twsocket] UDP Concept doubt:
>> UDP packets are not fragmented at the application level, but you may
>> get
>> duplicates, or miss some packet, reciev
Francois PIETTE wrote in
Re: [twsocket] UDP Concept doubt:
> UDP packets are not fragmented at the application level, but you may
> get
> duplicates, or miss some packet, recieve the packets in incorrect
> order.
> Those conditions are very difficult to reproduce on a small LAN. You
> have to