> anyway, the problem is not so much to "read" the code in Delphi, but to
> see the form and its components (with ther properties).
You can open Delphi forms with BCB !
You can even copy/paste from Delphi form to BCB forms !!
Contribute to the SSL Effort. Visit http://www.overbyte.be/eng/ssl
procedure = void?
nil = NULL
"TraceAddr: array [1..TraceMax] of string ;" = string TraceAddr[TraceMax] with
first index = 1 ?
{$R *.DFM} ???
"with Sender as TPingThread do" ? we are assuming that all "comes from"
TPingThread ?
<> = !=
anyway, the problem is not so much to "read" t
- Original Message -
To: "ICS support mailing"
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Fast Pings ! -> C++ :-(
>> I've seen in the usermade. But the code is in Delphi,
but not
in C++.
- Original Message -
To: "ICS support mailing"
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Fast Pings ! -> C++ :-(
>> I've seen in the usermade. But the
, February 11, 2006 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Fast Pings ! -> C++ :-(
> I've seen in the usermade. But the code is in Delphi, I don't know much
> about Delphi, and I don't know much about multithreading too :-(
> Anyway, are components or only samples the files
I've seen in the usermade. But the code is in Delphi, I don't know much
about Delphi, and I don't know much about multithreading too :-(
Anyway, are components or only samples the files on the usermade page?
I think that what I need to do is very simple. Perhaps somebody can help
with a C++ code