> since 3 weeks I'm trying to send a file with TWSocket and
> TWSocketServer components..
> my idea was to send records like:
> pFileBuf = ^TFileBuf;
> TFileBuf = packed record
>ID : Integer;
>bufSize : Integer;
>buf: array[0..1023] of Byte;
> end;
That's OK except you should put
Hello Selahattin,
> sometimes the first record was send correctly but the other records were
> currupt..
Please try to specify exacly whats wrong:
Can you tell when first record is send/received correct and when not ?
Also if first record is not correct then what exacly is not correct ?
Also wh
since 3 weeks I'm trying to send a file with TWSocket and
TWSocketServer components..
my idea was to send records like:
pFileBuf = ^TFileBuf;
TFileBuf = packed record
ID : Integer;
bufSize : Integer;
buf: array[0..1023] of Byte;
so I tried to receive these records in