Hi !
As you probably know, we have a Wiki for ICS documentation:
A wiki is a collaborative tool. We already have a few authors writing
Actually not that much !
If you have some spare time, please use it to write some article in the
wiki. If each ICS user wri
> My very personal reason is that I don't like APIs documented in a
> Wiki as they are incomplete most of the time (e.g. lack of type
> information for properties and events) and the required effort to
> keep this in sync with the code is very high.
I agree, and I've said the same thing to Franco
Markus Humm wrote:
> What is so hard in documenting just a single property or work on those
> property overview pages which aren't complete yet? Copying the table of
> a already started property list to a not yet started one and modifying
> it so that the correct properties are listed is not hard.
On Mar 01, 2010, at 14:36, Markus Humm wrote:
> Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but this topic comes up now and then but I
> don't see any progress in form of other volunteers working in the wiki
> (except some of the main developpers of ICS, but this is not enough and
> I don't blame them - they n
I can only subscribe what Francois said. Another annoying this is, that
many people already promised to help a bit in the wiki but didn't do it
up to now. The list of registered Wiki users is already long now, but
most of those didn't yet write a single page of it.
What is so hard in docum
I always want to say a problem: I sincerely hope that the ICS team can
write a
complete help document. ICS is an outstanding component suit, and demo
program is also very rich. But over the years, ICS has not been a complete
Help documentation, which is really a regrettable thing, and which is th
I've setup a wiki for ICS documentation. A few guys have helped to set it up:
Arno, DZ, Guillaume,
Wilfried, and some others.
The system is working. We defined a layout and entered the component list, some
component, the start
of a FAQ and so on.
Now we need writers to enter the actual data int