I am having a problem with the kylix version of ICS at the moment. It is
a console tcp/ip server app running on linux. It accepts connection from
clients and sends data to each of the clients.
The problem is when I start the Server listening with the Socket.Listencommand.
It doesn't start Liste
t involved in the
> process,
> please let me know. I did look for volunteers some time ago, but only got
> a
> few responses from people saying that they could provide high level input.
> Regards
> Erich Kuba
> -----Original Message-
I am having a problem with the kylix version of ICS at the moment. It is
a console tcp/ip server app running on linux. It accepts connection from
clients and sends data to each of the clients. The problem is when the
client disconnects, My program runs at 99% CPU and the loop is in the