[twsocket] TCustomWSocket.ASyncReceive infinite loop
Hello we have in some applications, where we use TWSockte sometimes the problem, that TWSocket hangs in an infinite loop in TCustomWSocket.ASyncReceive and therefore never handles the OnDataAvailable event. Any ideas to solve this problem are welcome. Unfortunatelly it is not reproduceable, so
[twsocket] Using ICS for Delphi/C++Builder Beta (Jan 22, 2006) with Delphi 3
f char; {$ENDIF} const TMimeUtilsVersion = 103; CopyRight : String = ' MimeUtils (c) 1997-2006 F. Piette V1.03 '; SpecialsRFC822 : TSysCharSet = ['(', ')', '<', '>', '@', ',', ';', ':', '\', '"', '[',