The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Schofield"
To: "'ICS support mailing'"
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Hi Angus (and all who have helped)
I have created an array of (50) Twsockets. I then choose a new one each
time I need to connect as you suggested.
It works perfectly. I don't need the timer anymore and have removed the
Everything seems perfect. I need to give it a
Many thanks for all the replies. This is a really great mailing list
I am using application.processmessages because I need to connect to several
different sockets as follows
for i := 1 to CustScreenCount do begin
while sckCustScreen.State <> wsclosed do
Hi Paul
Hmm. I thought the application process messages might be screwing things up.
I just needed it confirming.
Each time my webserver needs to "nudge" one of the other applications then I
guess I should start a thread to do this.
The "other" applications simply come to life when "nudged" by t
Hi Paul
My socket connection to other programs is done in the main thread.
After I call connect I call application processmessages until I get
connected and then I close.
Do you think this could be "interfering" with the HttpServer component
Is doing the communication socket call in a
I have a web server application based on THTTPServer component.
As part of the processing I need to signal a separate program that an update
is required. I use a twsocket to connect the programs tcp socket to do
This causes some issues with the Httpserver component and it "sto