tion on IP ' + Client.GetXAddr + ' and port ' +
> Client.GetXPort + ' by client at '+ Client.GetPeerAddr+':'+
> Client.GetPeerPort;
> // Code
> end;
> Lester
> Alper Albayrak wrote:
>> I have two IPs assigned to server mac
I have two IPs assigned to server machine. And TWSocketserver working with
Addr =
can i resolve the ip address that the client is connected.
For example 2 clients, first is connecting to address, second is
connecting to
But two of them is hosted with same server. I
i used wireshark to monitor activity on the port i m listening on.Protocol
is TCP and the server was build with ICS TWSocketServer.
Monitoring packages arrived, I see that one of the packages (505 byte) is
divided into 3 packages.
What i want to ask; is this the way tcp protocol transfers data ov
Yes, Im using TCP.
I solved my problem (at least in here) with replacing Move() into
I'm using LineMode, to receive all data sent. (My data size is 49b in total
and no string data in it)
Are there any conflicts i may encounter in the approach stated below?
(I intend to replace Rcvd va
My record type is like;
TData = record
age: integer;
PData = ^TData;
I send data as follows succesfully;
Send(Data, SizeOf(TData));
and receive;
Receive(Data, SizeOf(TData));
What i want to do is to send a couple of record types (seperately); and
distinguish them on the client side.