I have seen that you UnregisterMessage routine already removes messages from
the queue:
if FHandle > 0 then
while PeekMessage(LMsg, FHandle, Msg, Msg, PM_REMOVE) do {loop} ;
Strange.. must be something else, I will keep digging!
De: Eric Fleming Bonilha [m
Hello ICS team,
I´m currently using your implementation of shared handles in all my
applications (I have actually removed all AllocateHwnd and changed to use
your implementation in your to share handles between objects and save some
OS resources), and I think that I have found a flaw in the sys
On Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:05 PM [GMT+1=CET],
Eric Fleming Bonilha schrob:
> Hello!
> I would like to know if ICS is already stable for 64bits development.
I'm pretty sure it is. Try the the demos including SSL/TLS they do work.
> I`m porting my system to 64bits and I updated to ICS8, but