> We are running this code for testing, as it shows the issue better:
> (Code has been stripped of error handling, etc.)
I don't see anything wrong with your code sample, but you would be better
using the tried and tested code from the WaitUntilReady function which
duplicates what you are trying t
> I really like the component. One question is there more detailed
> help then the one online.
Sorry, it has always been hard to find volunteers to document the ICS
library, and in particular keep it updated for the constant changes we
make. The developers all contribute their efforts free, and
On 2012-09-19 15:09, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
*Subject:* [twsocket] FTPCli in thread
*From:* Fredrik Bergström
*To:* twsocket@elists.org
*Date:* Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:41:01 +0200
I started writing an message to this list about an timeout-issue we
have been having, but I t
Hello Angus,
I figured out the problem.
In the program before we call DirectoryAsync we check to see if the
FTPClient is connected. If it is we call abort then quit.
It seems the abort was not working or it was the one producing the 426
All we did was take out the abort and it disco
> When I copy the exe to another computer Window's XP every FTP
> server (8 different servers) we connect to gives an ErrCode = 426
> with a message "Operation Aborted".
When FTP fails to run on a specific computer, it's nearly always
configuration of that computer, usually a firewall or router
> *Subject:* [twsocket] FTPCli in thread
> *From:* Fredrik Bergström
> *To:* twsocket@elists.org
> *Date:* Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:41:01 +0200
> Hi,
> I started writing an message to this list about an timeout-issue we
> have been having, but I think it may be better for me to first ask
> for
On 16/09/2012 11:42, Arno Garrels wrote:
Steve Loft wrote:
I have an application which uploads a small file every 10 seconds
using a TFtpClient. I have the timeout set to 15 seconds. One
installation is getting a timeout every couple of minutes:
The server does not seem to close the data connec