Arno Garrels wrote:
> Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
>> H Eric,
>>> If I keep a loop like this
>>> while (FHSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and (not bAllSent) do
>>> TryToSend;
>>> And TryToSend fails, will it fail everytime if I don´t call the
>>> message pump? In this case an infinite loop wo
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:
> H Eric,
>> If I keep a loop like this
>> while (FHSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and (not bAllSent) do
>> TryToSend;
>> And TryToSend fails, will it fail everytime if I don´t call the
>> message pump? In this case an infinite loop would happen right?
> I think
Hi Eric,
If the reason that you call the Flush method is because you want to be sure
all is sent before closing the socket then you can better call ShutDown(1)
mvg, Wilfried
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H Eric,
> If I keep a loop like this
> while (FHSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and (not bAllSent) do
> TryToSend;
> And TryToSend fails, will it fail everytime if I don´t call the message
> pump? In this case an infinite loop would happen right?
I think so yes.
mvg, Wilfried