Hello Ruud,
SSH is an old technology almost replaced by SSL. SSH is only still used for
what it has been designed from the beginning: securing telnet communication.
Today there are less and less systems still using telnet and even less using
SSH. Most securisation is done thru SSL or VPN (whic
Hi All,
Ok, answer is clear, it's a pitty as I do like the way ICS works, i
standarised all my apps to use it.
I am going to check if putty ssh tunnel can do the job for me, might be
Thanks for the responses!
Ruud Kerstens
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But have you taken time to register your ICS copy ?
ICS is freeware but to use it, you must register it.
Registration is very simple: just mail a [real, paper] picture postcard to
the author (me). You can find instruction
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