Hi Arno,
Ok, let me explain: due to stupid BCB linker errors,I had to place the
function below in a pascal unit for calling the function you said:
function THttpMTConnection.GenerateDigestChallenge : String;
Result := AuthDigestGenerateChallenge(
Fastream Technologies wrote:
> headerHead += "Proxy-Authenticate: Digest " + // I only changed this
> line from rproxy to forward proxy
>GenerateDigestChallenge() +
>", domain=\"" + prefix + FAuthRealm + ":" + serverPort + "\"" +
>", uri=\"" + URI + "\"" +
>//", alg
I forgot to say: I also changed the parser for "Authorization:" request
header to "Proxy-Authorization:" and that parser works well. But the problem
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Fastream Technologies
> Hello,
> Even though the code works for reverse proxy, it does not when
Even though the code works for reverse proxy, it does not when I make it a
part of IE/FF chain as forward proxy! In Answer401, I wrote:
String AuthString = "auth";
String staleString = String((FAuthDigestStale && lastCommand !=
cproxyCommandPOST) ? ", stale=\"true\"" : "");
String pref