> Anyway, I'll welcome any explanations of how could I handle various
> errors in FTPcli working progress.
Just look at the code in TMagFtp about which you were asking earlier this
year, or just use it instead of TFtpCli so you don't need to be concerned
about the internals of FTP.
Hello everyone, nobody answered me in old topic, so I'll start a new one.
I really wonder, what the concept of FTPcli's error hadling/reporting is. Some
critical errors, such as exception during creation of local file, are reported
as FTP error codes. So, how I could handle them in a right way -
Guillaume ROQUES a écrit :
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use the TSslHttpServer, so I took a look on the
OverbyteIcs Ssl WebServer demo.
There is my code :
with SslHttpServer do
DocDir := ExtractFilePath(Forms.Application.ExeName);
DefaultDoc := 'Index.ht