As you subscribed to ICS support mailing list, you probably use ICS. Good !
But have you taken time to register your ICS copy ?
ICS is freeware but to use it, you must register it.
Registration is very simple: just mail a [real, paper] picture postcard to
the author (me). You can find instructions
> Are there better code examples out there that I could make use of?
The ICS FTP client and server do this using One Time Passwords which is
an internet standard, you can borrow the code from them, specifically the
unit OverbyteIcsOneTimePw.pas and the demo program for it,
Sease, Darin E. wrote:
> I have set up a login scenario that goes as follows.
> Once client receives notification of a connection from the server it
> sends server a 'login ' command.
> The server challenges the client by sending client a word/phrase
> (w/p). Client must encrypt the w/p and s
Sease, Darin E. wrote:
> Hi.
> TSrvForm = class(TForm)
> SrvSocket: TWSocket;
> ...
> Why does this code work:
> SrvSocket.Close;
> SrvSocket.Addr := '';
> SrvSocket.Port := PortEdit.Text;
> SrvSocket.Proto := 'tcp';
> SrvSocket.Listen;
> SrvSocket.Close;
> SrvSocket.Addr :=
I have set up a login scenario that goes as follows.
Once client receives notification of a connection from the server it
sends server a 'login ' command.
The server challenges the client by sending client a word/phrase (w/p).
Client must encrypt the w/p and send back to server.
Server will the
TSrvForm = class(TForm)
SrvSocket: TWSocket;
Why does this code work:
SrvSocket.Addr := '';
SrvSocket.Port := PortEdit.Text;
SrvSocket.Proto := 'tcp';
SrvSocket.Addr := '';
SrvSocket.Port := 'telnet';
> I received your message fine. Yet, it is indeed
> strange that there haven't been any messages for a week.
Cannot remember that that ever happened previously.
Arno Garrels
>> --- Original Message ---
>>> From: Arno Garrels[mailto:[
I have a lot of problems.
Only ICS seems to fine :-)
- Original Message -
From: "Arno Garrels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing"
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:46 PM
Subject: [twsocket] OT: Is the list still alive?
> Hi,
> Six days no messages, very strange..
> Six days no messages, very strange...
Looks fine.
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Hello Fastream,
ICS is easy and so well known by 100% Delphi developers that nobody need this
list anymore ;-)
>> Six days no messages, very strange...
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please goto
I received your message fine. Yet, it is indeed
strange that there haven't been any messages for a week.
>--- Original Message ---
>From: Arno Garrels[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 10/29/2008 12:46:34 PM
>To :
>Cc :
>Subject : RE: [twso
I can read you well!
Regards from Turkey,
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Arno Garrels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Six days no messages, very strange...
> --
> Arno Garrels
> --
> To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
> please goto http://lists.el
Six days no messages, very strange...
Arno Garrels
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