I did not fully understand what you said but here is what I found:
In my code the POST with NTLM, the order of execution is normally as:
ConnectionDataAvailable (to receive the data fully and throw away while
counting its length, when contentLen
> to my problem I found something out: if I disable processing of these
> commands up to 100.000 and more are stored in the queue, so the sending
> and receiving of them via ICS works well.
> The receiving uses a tight loop to extract all commands out of the
> ringbuffer and stores them in t
to my problem I found something out: if I disable processing of these
commands up to 100.000 and more are stored in the queue, so the sending
and receiving of them via ICS works well.
The receiving uses a tight loop to extract all commands out of the
ringbuffer and stores them in the queue