No, I think you were right...
If you call send, then do something, and the message pump doesn't get
called, then you should not receive anything until when the message pump
does get called.
For example, it should be fine for me to do:
Hello Max,
> I receive SmtpRequestDone with error 10044 (Interrupted System Call),
There must be something wrong in your design to have that error. Are you
sure you dont call Abort at the wrong time ?
> then i PostMessage to initiate new Session, after receiving message by
> my messages Handler
Max Terentiev wrote:
> Helo Francois, Helo Wilfred,
> I was try to use Quit instead Abort but "Smtp component not ready"
> error is still happens time to time.
I personally haven't noticed this problem (but that must not mean
that it doesn't exist).
BTW: smtpQuit just sends command Quit to the
Helo Francois, Helo Wilfred,
I was try to use Quit instead Abort but "Smtp component not ready"
error is still happens time to time.
- I use OnRequestDone to start new session
- I don't use Application->ProcessMessages
- I only call Smtp->Abort in case of TimeOut.
- I use SmtpCli->Quit to termin
Just wanted to say thanks for the great input over the weekend!
I will consider the input. Francois, you are right, that particular part of
the initial handshaking exchange probably is a flaw in the implementation,
although it is a requirement in the protocol design. In the protoco
The ICSHTTP-server already have support for pipelining as long as you are
only serving static files. But if processing a request requires
dataprocessing in another thread, the responses might be answered in the
wrong order. I put responses and requests in a list and make sure the
reponse to be sen