I implemented -almost- the same mechanism as THttpCli as Francois said. The
timer runs per every 100ms and the code is below:
void __fastcall httpServerThread::TimerResume(TObject *Sender)
if(resumeTimerTick % (10 * 8) == 0)
Scrive Fastream Technologies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> At the moment there is a problem with Java JRE1.4.2_10 (the latest version).
> It simply keeps on asking for username/pwd even though the right input is
> supplied. I think it does not like the "comma hack" we did to work with IE.
> Any idea
Thanks. You'll see it fixed in next version.
- Original Message -
From: "Spiegel Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ICS support mailing"
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:44 PM
Subject: [twsocket] minor problem in IcsLogger after error opening
I am pretty sure it is a bug. I will do more research into it and get back
to you with more sites, etc.
Previous versions handled these 'buggy' sites better. Currently, it just
hangs. I'll look into putting a timer that calls 'close' when the system is
unresponsive for too long.
Thanks for sp
I found a minor problem in IcsLogger after the error opening log file.
Error in TFileStream is catched be exception handler, but not re-raised.
It appears twice in TIcsLogger.InternalOpenLogFile.
Currently after error opening file the program flows continues by
executing FLogFile.Seek
> Just wondering if anyone can answer this question posted on another
> forum I visit. They're getting a vast difference between DOS and Windows
> is that normal and what can be done about it.
First, be sure to have the same unit. Frequently kilo-bits-per-second are
confused with kilo-bytes-per-s
> Reposting in case this got lost.
I saw your message.
>>> Also, a bad page on a site like www.amazon.com/?test/test gets a 301,
>>> then 302 and then hangs. This did not happen with earlier versions of
>>> ICS.
It is possibly an error in Amazon's code because if you look at the header,
you s
Thanks for your feedback. You'll see your correction in the next version.
- Original Message -
From: "Gerhard Rattinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: [twsocket] Using ICS for Delphi/C++Builder Beta (Ja