DZ-Jay wrote:
> To attach an image and display it inline, you must reference it via
>its MIME Content-ID from the image tags. For example, when you attach
>the image, you create a Content-ID header for that attachment, and use
>this ID to replace the image src attribute in the HT
To attach an image and display it inline, you must reference it via
its MIME Content-ID from the image tags. For example, when you attach
the image, you create a Content-ID header for that attachment, and use
this ID to replace the image src attribute in the HTML source:
walter garcia wrote:
> Hi people...
> I try send email format html and attach jpg, this attach found ok, but
> no see image in html..
Please have a look at the SMTP-HTML demo application (MailHtml.dpr).
Your HTML code isn't correct you need something like "
Would still be a good idea to use some version control. Then people could
send patches (diffs) to Francois and he could commit them. Every commit
would have a log stating whether applications needed to be changed
(something people have got annoyed about in the past) and people could
always go
Hi people...
I try send email format html and attach jpg, this attach found ok, but
no see image in html..
for example:
{.. setting smtp..}
FileAttachMemo := TStringList.Create;
Hi Maurizio,
> Anohter question. Is there involved an authentication?
Yes, it is and the user is requested to enter the proxy username and
The proxyname and port are auto-detect.
I'm still investigating the problem, but it's very hard to communicate 3th
party ...
I can get an answer