I now built trojita-0.7-4 instead of 0.7.-5 and icons works again.
I had to make git reset HEAD~2 bc of some Arch internal commit. These are
the problematic patches:
Am Thu, Aug 05, 2021 at 01:09:14PM +0200 schrieb Oskar Roesler:
I now built trojita-0.7-4 instead of 0.7.-5 and icons works again. I
had to make git reset HEAD~2 bc of some Arch internal commit. These
are the problematic patches:
Ok, now I'm unsure and let's see if the bug disappears when I build the old
version without the patch.
Am Donnerstag, 5. August 2021 11:07:25 CEST schrieb Jan Kundrát:
I had a bug opened in the Archlinux repos about latest patch
breaking the icon: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/70665
Arojas n
I had a bug opened in the Archlinux repos about latest patch breaking the
icon: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/70665
Arojas now told me they got it from upstream. Is upstream aware of this
Will they fix it?
Oskar Roesler
I had a bug opened in the Archlinux repos about latest patch
breaking the icon: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/70665
Arojas now told me they got it from upstream. Is upstream aware
of this problem?
Will they fix it?
The bug report appears to talk about the tray icon. I don't recall any