On Thursday, 17 March 2016 22:02:31 CET, Erik Quaeghebeur wrote:
I can't recreate the issue now. I have the feeling something
has been cached (by GnuPG)? In any case, I think it said it was
waiting for signature verification.
The only caching comes from Trojita itself. The GpgME library doesn'
Dear list,
Due to some threading problems, I sent a mail to myself and checked the
Message-IDs on the appended message and sent message. I got:
Message-ID: <10344190-bf83-4dd2-8528-508ab20da...@equaeghe.nospammail.net>
Message-ID: <0698264c-68d6-46ba-ba7a-d5ac94977...@equaeghe.nospammail.net