For what it's worth - I am seeing (I believe) this same issue on the
latest Kali linux:
What's very interesting is that after this race condition happens, the
machine still responds to the old IP yet it doesn't show with 'ip addr
show'. Seems to be somethin
Looking for an update on this - specifically the seemingly unanswered
question of "does removing all netplan related config render systemd-
netword 'toothless'". I too am very concerned that simply installing
ifupdown doesn't by itself achieve the result that seems to be put forth
by the various p
So from the troubleshooting and testing I just did, it seems like (at
least) I had to do the following:
# To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
mv /etc/
After I push my /etc/network/interfaces from ansible (not the stub one I
previously posted) - "something" is re-reading it and applying settings.
This never happened in 16.04 until an ifup/ifdown, service restart or
reboot (which is what I expect and need). Not quite sure how to find
the cu
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