> On May 2, 2021, at 4:14am, Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 07:16:08PM -0400, d...@foundingdocuments.org wrote:
>> Why would tor running as an onion service write this to its log?
>> Apr 29 02:06:22.000 [warn] {APP} Requested exit point
>> ???$1FINGER-PRINT-XYZ*??? is
Hi There,
Checking Torproject website configs there are some stuff are outdated,or
needed...lets see:
* https://www.hardenize.com/report/torproject.org/1619971139#www_tls
- TLS 1.0, 1.1 Deprecated since 2020
- Disable weak ciphers
Duo to the usage of TLS 1.0,1.1 website got B grade from SSLl
Hi tor-talk,
I'm working as a consultant to a criminal defense lawyer who's
representing a defendant in a case involving Tor and an investigation
by U.S. law enforcement and foreign law enforcement.
In 2019 a foreign law enforcement agency claimed to identify the clearnet
IP addresses of a large