d switch
> around a few times. Has anyone else experienced this and how did you
> solve it?
For me same happens. I always press arrow up and then ESC. After that it works
tor-relays mailing list
On Friday 07 February 2014 22:05:41 Sebastian Urbach wrote:
> Dear list members,
> The Trying Trusted Tor Traceroutes project is coming closer to the next
> data review (03/2014).
> Basically every relay (except Bridges) can help to evaluate the Tor Routes.
> Ple
lag in order to see the client local
tor-relays mailing list
On Wednesday 19 February 2014 11:53:09 Sebastian Urbach wrote:
> Dear list members,
> The "multiple runs" question is now added to the FAQ at the "Trying Trusted
> Tor Traceroutes" project site.
> Right now we are at 95 ip's with at least 1 completed
rts in my ExitPolicy and I'm curious
> about how much time does it take to get the Exit flag. I'm in no rush to
> know this of course, but I haven't found anything in a couple of searches
> and I thought it might be useful to someone else, hence me asking.
pretive dance as befits a
callow contributor, what happened I should certainly appreciate it.
Dirt kicked to the curb goes into the gutter.
Professionals kicked to the curb go into retail.
tor-relays mailing list
Question how long you'll stay in the Top 50. Maybe you are lucky but
probably the ISP will end your contract for "abusing" fair use
policies/TOS. Best case they'll throttle you down. Let us know in 30 days :)
Am 22.03.14 21:51, schrieb Trigger Happy:
Hi list,
I'm run
> Hi,
> Everytime i speak with colleagues i wonder that the most performance
> related options for TOR relays are unknown.
> I just started to write down what i know and i would be happy if someone
> else could benefit from that.
Could you please translate your instructions into XP that I might check
and, if necessary, fix my relay? (OnionTorte)
Jann Horn wrote:
Well, the subject line pretty much says it all: Lots of Tor relays send out
globally sequential IP IDs, which, as far as I know, allows a remote
My several attempts to update to TBB 3.5.4 (XP)unsuccessfully made Tor
exit upon starting, so I fell back to 3.5.3. Atlas shows that my efforts
hadn't gone unnoticed; OnionTorte now appears four times w/ my IP address.
0D50D43BAA728D6E0C4EB181AB79E5C1D7036D08 is the correct one but it
an I via mobile internet so I'm down to
suspecting that they are blocking all Tor relay IPs. This is the exact
error I get:
Access DeniedYou don't have permission to access "http://www.nhs.uk/"; on
this server.
Reference #18.1f7f1002.1397514736.1fe2170c
The reference seems to change e
hem: yes
Me: Why?
Them: just not worth my time. from day 1 the community team lead or
whatever from the tor project was calling it a scam. and trying to get my
posts deleted in r/tor and r/monero. the tor project just smells fishy and
i would advise everyone to move on to i2p instead. even after i t
saying 'donate to my wallet and I will give back to relays
> operators' will be repelled.
Repelling something like this without having a proper replacement
suggestion or talking about this topic at places like this list is no good
solution either unless you want to stop that kind people don
Even though Cogent has ethical issues, this is unlikely what happened.
Most likely, either an outage occurred or a voluntary filtering had been
put in place on your Virtual Machine by the ISP at which it is hosted.
tor-relays mailing list
I've been running a tor relay for several days now
(C65EF5E06B8338CF976D376048BE2C8FBD499C9C). During my regular checks I noticed
something odd within the tor log files.
[WARN] Tried to establish rendezvous on non-OR circuit with purpose Acting as
rendevous (pending)
It occurs several
because they do not exist. They are all one Conrad Rockenhaus. Just so you
know. Do you know any of the people that are bragging about using Greypony?
Are they true professionals that use Tor? I do not think so. Find one
person that you can legitimately trust that has used Greypony or that
> Please don't feed the trolls.
> A reminder:
> This list is for "support and questions about running Tor relays".
> Please:
> * keep on topic, we are here to help each other run Tor relays
> * make sure each post contains new, useful inform
Just banish them from Tor already! They are ruining our network, they lie
about their network speeds, and they lie about their capabilities.
On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 11:37 PM teor wrote:
> Hi Conrad (and staff and operators),
> > On 28 Aug 2018, at 22:16, Conrad Rockenh
s with the collective
> good, in my opinion.
> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/FF79CA5A50970E21E9AB320CE62C2178E963970C
> That says over 17 MB/sec which would tend to support the other claims of
> speed.
> Rob
> _____________
c. ?
tor-relays mailing list
The hoster handled this case quiet professionally, I guess it's a
standardized process for most hosting operators. As far as I know the
police just seizes the disks and the hoster just adds new ones.
On 12.09.18 17:08, Roman Mamedov wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Sep 2018 16:34:48 +0200
> tor-r
> John
>> On Sep 12, 2018, at 09:42, "tor-rel...@geek1.de" wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've found no information - after short googling - if I should take some
>> action after an exit node got seized. Like marking the fingerprint as
thanks for the link and email, I've informed the tor project about it.
I'll bring it back online as a new node from scratch.
On 12.09.18 17:12, nusenu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry to hear your exit node got seized, thanks for sharing that
> informatio
shutdown servers within 24 hours without trying to call a customer, or at least
several e-mail reminders over a day or two.
This is my new abuse e-mail template for German speaking hosting providers:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Auf dem Server wird eine Tor-Exit Node betrieben.
to have a phone call with the Contabo Abuse department to figure
out a solution because Germany now provides the legal grounds to operate a tor
relay with (little to) no liability.
If I find a solution with Contabo I'll keep you updated.
Sent with ProtonMail Secure
tor-relays mailing list
You have a Security Clearance but you don't specify what type but I wonder why
someone with a SECURITY CLEARANCE would want to work with Tor
Teor called you out months ago as a US Government Spy and I'm glad that the Tor
Community Council is calling you out with. People can
> This is another reminder to please keep posts on-topic and civil.
> This is not the place for personal attacks.
The sooner that the Tor community is rid of this filth known as "Conrad
Rockenhaus" the sooner people will stop talking about him. Why are you
Il 21 maggio 2019 15:32:57 CEST, gus ha scritto:
>Dear Relay Operators,
>Do you want your relay to be a Tor fallback directory mirror?
>Will it have the same address and port for the next 2 years?
>Just reply to this email wi
M's IP?
Could you give me some tips please?
tor-relays mailing list
roperly, I trust you, so I keep a non-exit relay.
Anyway thanks for your advices
Il 22/05/19 11:05, nusenu ha scritto:
I'm running a non exit relay on a debian machine (in the next few
months I will switch to *BSD) on a Lime2.
I assume you are referring to a re
> On Jun 19, 2019, at 11:34 AM, teor wrote:
> Hi,
> On 19 Jun 2019, at 06:36, ILikeTor wrote:
>> I have set up a relay about 3 days ago now. I am hosting my relay at a
>> German hosting provider called "contabo", but the relay search o
Hi Teor
I already sent my fingerprint, I have dir port configured, let me know
if I have to do something else, heres the fingerprint
On 23-06-2019 12:34, teor wrote:
> Hi jajtor,
>> On 16 Jun 2019, at 03:07, TOR wrote:
You don't connect to your bridge, you connect to the tor network if you
use the socks5. So yes, the check passes, because it's being sent over
the tor network, not using your bridge but using tor's socks5 proxy.
Also in your config you have set the socks port to 9031, but in thi
I'm running an exit relay on a Debian Buster. I installed libseccomp and
I've built tor using debuild, like the wiki says.
Today I noticed that tor crashes on HUP signal, only when the Sandbox
option is on. I never had this problem.
This is what my log says:
just a little update:
I've reproduced this bug on my laptop with Debian Buster.
I've noticed that this problem occurs only with tor Tor, from Debian buster backports repository, works properly.
Il 05/01/20 07:43, tor-re...@riseup.net ha scritto:
I am the operator of a Tor relay and I have been running it for the past couple of years.
Over the past few weeks, the consensus weight of my relay has dropped significantly and I can't figure out why.
I am running the latest Tor version on an updated Linux distro. I also recently upg
Hi Roger,
what do we have to do to Opt-In as a Fallback Directory?
Am 20.06.2020 um 13:00 schrieb niftybunny:
tor-relays mailing list
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list
>> as you might have heard, MaxMind has changed access and use of their
>> GeoLite2 databases:
>> https://blog.maxmind.com/2019/12/18/significant-changes-to-accessing-and-using-geolite2-databases/
>> This affects Onionoo and tor, and I'm
Am 08.07.2020 um 19:36 schrieb gus:
> Dear Relay Operators,
> Do you want your relay to be a Tor fallback directory mirror?
> Will it have the same address and port for the next 2 years?
> Just reply to this email with your relay's fingerprint.
They all support IPv6 as well.
All the best!
tor-relays mailing list
Keifer Bly wrote:
> I am wondering, are relays being ddosed a normal thing? Thank you.
Yes it's common. We have many users operating Tor relays on our network
and we see this on a daily basis.
tor-relays mailing list
Hi to all.
I have recently created 4 TOR relays on two different ISPs (frantech.ca and
yourserver.de). They work smoothly with IPv4.
Now I wanted to add IPv6 as well, as both ISPs provide a / 64 address.
In my torrc file I have inserted these two lines:
ORPort ...: 8001
Dear Sirs,
Is it time to update?
Is boum.tail.org down?
Can't find the Tails 4.19 beta to test!
Tor Operator
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: OpenPGP digital sign
Hello, exit node operator here. I share the values of the TOR foundation,
that’s why I’m operating an exit node but I can’t unsee all the bad it is used
for. I know it would sound like censorship but wouldn’t it be possible for an
exit relay to block certain (mainly cp) .onion websites so that
are working to improve the technology of SMTP ports blocking,
but I'm afraid I can't share with you any additional information about it.
I gave up after that.
This happens when you use A/I to detect abuse and degrade humans to
communicate A/I decisions.
A/I will abuse us all.
tor-relays mailing list
> On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 01:56:33PM +0200, Tor Relays wrote:
> > Support agent 1:
> > It was blocked because automatic monitoring system find your activity
> > suspicious.
> > Now, trust level of your traffic for IP has been increased however the
> > traffic is
h acts as a protocol multiplexer, or a switchboard. Its name
> comes from its original function to serve SSH and HTTPS on the same port.
> """
> Since many of my network services claims to listen on 433 (to bypass
> mobile network limitations), I'm thinking to con
Greetings! Thanks for running your relays!
On Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 4:49:16 AM UTC-4 sysmanager7 via tor-relays
> Greetings All, I have three relays that are in need of an upgrade and
> reboot.
> What is the best way to restart these relays without loosing flags or ti
On Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 4:48:47 AM UTC-4 Keifer Bly wrote:
> I am wondering, is there a way configure tor (via the torrc file) to
> restart automatically once a month? Thank you.
Before you implement a time-based service restart, you may wish to check
that your OS and har
hi made a new Proxmox server for my home network. I still run a bare metal
Tor bridge, but now i would run more bridge in my home network.
I have a public dynamic IP: what is the max number of bridge i can run
(obviously on different ORPort) under the same IP address
Thanks in advance
gus :
> > From the Tor Relay Guide:
> >
> > "Note: You can only run two Tor relays per public IPv4 address. If you
> > want to run more than two relays you will need more IPv4 addresses."
> > https://community.torproject.org/relay/relays-requirements/
enter our
> network.
> Georg
When you don't have any evidence that these relays were doing something bad
then what did they do to get rejected?
tor-relays mailing list
extendcircuit 0 authoritynickname
getinfo circuit-status
I observed that i can successfully create circuits to no more than three
authorities and it seems to change to which authorities i can create
The unsuccessful circuits stay in EXTENDED but never reach BUILT until Tor
gives up eventually
Not sure if this is the correct list on which to ask but a new node
created just over 7 days ago is now
being shown on Tor Metrics (atlas.torproject.org) as being down. However
local logs show heartbeat
activity and some directory activity. A port scan of the IP address shows:
-- cut here
ned amateurs, the last one is dated 12 Nov 2024 07:57:06
+0800. All mentioned addresses are those of Tor relays, and the
destination port is still ssh.
Excerpt from the report:
5 11-Nov-2024 12:32:52 DENIED 54796 TCP 22
This could be sim
t give them the attention they seek and rather focus on the ISP's
tor-relays mailing list
Jonathan Proulx :
> IDK why people bother with soemthing like that given the amount of
> actual SSH scans I see against our infrastructure constantly.
Indeed, but Hetzner is known for noob stuff like that, while they seem
to understand the importance of privacy and let people run Tor
I can confirm that the attack has not stopped and that we continue to
monitor spoofed packets with Tor relay's IP addresses including the
addresses of relays that are at our network.
This continues to trigger the sending of reports from the same ama
receiving spoofed packets with IP addresses of Tor relays set as source
after this message has been posted. We've also received more "reports"
from the same newbies after this message was posted.
Our traps even see packets with the IP addresses of Tor relays that are
in the same
> So on Debain 12, is there a way to configure tor to start
> automatically when the os boots? Thanks.
If you've installed Tor from the repositories it will install a systemd
.service and it should be enabled by default.
Check the status of tor.service :
$ systemctl status tor
If we could get EFF to announce a boycott of any corporation known to
act maliciously against Tor or other privacy-friendly technology (such
as VPNs), that would go a long way.
I will also write to EFF. I have donated money to them, so maybe they
will listen. If they won't support a bo
public IPv6.
Or do you actually need help to have it setup on Hardened BSD?
tor-relays mailing list
Elias via tor-relays wrote:
> This is actually not a "real" root server, it's a KVM server (of
> course). The CPU is an AMD EPYC 7702 with 2 dedicated cores per
> server@3,35GHz.
Since this is virtualization, make sure that features such as AES
acceleration are active.
Google is now sending abuse reports complaining of DDoS attacks against
their services. While they believe the IPs are participating in a
botnet, it is clear that they are Tor exit relays.
I don't know why they are sending us the report after the attacks have
ended. Besides, since Google ser
Tor project recommends 16Mbits/s in each direction minimum
<https://community.torproject.org/relay/relays-requirements/> so you
should be fine.
However note the concurrent connections requirement, which can
"overwhelm consumer-level routers." That might be something to watc
Your sources.list file entry looks incorrect. I would definitely not
recommend using trust=yes for a repo like tor, as it bypasses apt's
security checks.
According to the instructions you linked
<https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/>, your source for the
tor package
the network --
> temporarily taking only a few relays offline -- it has been a
> frustrating issue for many relay operators. However, I want to reassure
> everyone that this disruption had no effect on Tor users whatsoever.
> We're incredibly fortunate to have such a ski
sudo systemctl enable tor
On Sun, Dec 1, 2024 at 2:15 PM, Keifer Bly <keifer@gmail.com> wrote:
So on Debain 12, is there a way to configure tor to start automatically
when the os boots? Thanks.
Description: OpenPGP digital sig
bution mechanism, it has
'email', is that really much used? Generally speaking I want my time and money
to get the most use possible of course. How much use does the 'telegram'
mechanism get?
Maybe someone can give some comments before I (possibly) change it manu
I notice that the "first seen" info on my obfs4 bridge status page on tor atlas
/ metrics all of a sudden is incorrect, by years. Not sure if it's something
that introduced itself with latest update or what.
The various graphs on traffic and users are still correct
of that page before the latest upgrade so it appears the
change should have something to to with that somehow.
This is on Debian.
A tor op
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, December 27th, 2021 at 11:59 PM, nusenu
> Hi,
> could you paste the Relay Search page l
I am thinking of starting another bridge. In regards to the current situation,
is there a real benefit in deploying one within Russia or does that really not
A tor op___
tor-relays mailing list
just some relays?
A tor op___
tor-relays mailing list
idge, from the initial installation/deploy 5+ years ago.
My server was noted as being "blocked in Russia" earlier on the relay search
tor metrics page, I have noted that this info have been removed from the page,
I don't know if that is due to the server not being blocked (unlikely
0. Juli 2024 00:32:04 CEST Osservatorio Nessuno via tor-relays
> wrote:
> > we are planning to get some hardware to run a physical Tor exit node,
> > starting with a 1Gbps dedicated, unmetered uplink (10Gbps downlink). We
> > will also route a /24 on it, so we will have l
Okay - makes sense on up to 2 Tor relays per physical core with the goal of not
wasting CPU cycles, given the fluctuations of Tor and the expensive hardware.
No, don't have all the network capacity covered and agree everything is costly.
For 10 Gbps unmetered, not many options under $6
Yes, that's a great suggestion! I've adjusted the subject line to match new
If anybody is interested in sharing, please reach out. I should have a few IPv4
/24 coming online over the next few weeks.
On Monday, February 24th, 2025 at 4:26 AM, boldsuck via tor-relays
Also interested in this thread and efforts.
Plan to do your suggestion on 80 core and 128 core Tor server node tests. Will
work on posting back here too.
BGP plan to keep separate on router to avoid using Tor server resources.
Does DNS have similar resource concerns as BGP tables? If so
New constraint - any guidance? Math seem right?
All relay operators / families are limited to a maximum of ~360 Tor relays:
I'll likely create an account to reply on the gitlab ticket too since looks
like different audience than
Somewhat of a surprise based on the 2-4x RAM to core/threads/relay ratio in
this email thread, ran out of 256GB RAM with 66 Tor relays (roughly ~4x ratio).
Something misconfigured or this expected as part of the relay ramping up
behavior or just regular relay behavior?
Summary: 64 cores / 128
f RAM frees up (3 in RAM and 1 in Swap) per relay.
66 Tor relays (all middle/guard). All less than 40 days old.
General Setup:
EPYC 7702P.
Software Versions:
Tor version
Ubuntu OS 24.04.2
Tor configuration:
ControlPort xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx
r time and
aggregate at a point in time
I get the overall point that things change dynamically so maybe these were much
more different at a different point in time?
On Monday, March 10th, 2025 at 10:32 AM, boldsuck via tor-relays
> On Monday, 10 March 2025 15:34 boldsuck v
Is it premature to change these values when a relay is less than 2 weeks old or
less than a few months old as a guard relay because the load can vary very
Is it a good assumption that Tor on Ubuntu ships with the best defaults to get
started or does everybody modify some set
stics page. I'll keep working on the AROI support.
On Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 at 12:29 PM, boldsuck via tor-relays
> On Friday, 21 March 2025 14:54 m...@nothingtohide.nl wrote:
> > Mar 21, 2025, 14:10 by Tor at 1AEO t...@1aeo.com:
> >
> > &g
grafana, after getting everything else set up and running.
On Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 at 11:52 AM, boldsuck via tor-relays
> On Tuesday, 18 March 2025 18:31 Tor at 1AEO via tor-relays wrote:
> > Listed general information below. What other information is help
Very helpful!
Some clarification questions:
How best to find out these 20% and 10% values at any point, especially as they
Seems a waste to negotiate a five year financial colo or server contract when
the Tor network doesn't want it due to lack of sufficient diversity?
I'm part of the abuse team of the mentioned Tor Exit.
Also I follow this mailing list.
I read you post several times but I'm not sure what you where doing.
It looks to me like you running a tor node and have also a dyndns update
process running.
Is this correct ? Please provide
I am a TOR bridge operator running a bridge with 8 Mbps advertised BW and
having obfs4 installed. Been up a year or so on this install.
I'll put a few misc thoughts out here, only been lurking on list earlier.
I have been thinking a little about how useful this system is (MY bridge tha
When a tor admin updates a tor node, what is the reasoning for punishing the
status by removing flags like the guard flag?
The node may have been up for months on end without issues and goes down for a
few minutes during install and restart and comes up with a newer version, hence
it is
No, still not back. BW reading back to normal though.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Updates removes status flags
Local Time: January 27, 2017 5:27 AM
UTC Time: January 27, 2017 5:27 AM
From: petru...@riseup.net
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
May be the
Mine is still missing the guard flag after 17 days since reboot.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Normal to lose stable/guard flags on relay reboot?
Local Time: February 6, 2017 12:04 AM
UTC Time: February 6, 2017 12:04 AM
From: dl1...@gmx.de
To: tor-relays
It's a bridge.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Normal to lose stable/guard flags on relay reboot?
Local Time: February 9, 2017 11:29 PM
UTC Time: February 9, 2017 11:29 PM
From: teor2...@gmail.com
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> On 10 Feb 2017, at
Nope that need not be it.
I had my bridge relay running for many moths with a few Mbps BW and it steadily
had the guard flag set.
When doing the latest TOR upgrade I upped the BW-limit 100% but since that tor
service restart it has now been running some 40 days without getting the guard
It was two days ago. Today I can not reach it as well.
best regards
On 01.05.2017 08:08, scar wrote:
> I was unable to reach the site, is it still in operation?
> _______
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproj
Dear all,
we are operating two exit nodes with each two tor processes out of
The nodes worked quite stable until about 2-3 weeks ago.
Since then we experience frequent disruptions (Up to several times a
day). This is caused by a significant rise in memory consumption
by the tor
Hello Roger,
I updated the ticket. You will find the output of the valgrind there as
best regards
On 23.05.2017 06:00, Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 03:01:10AM +, John Ricke
gement, and it would be
> great to filter out the noise better than we currently do.
> Did anyone set up an infrastructure like that before? How would you do it?
> Also, if you just want to help with our abuse management, let me know!
> We c
I'm running an obfs4 bridge and upgraded to latest version.
Use Debian Jessie (8.9).
One thing that puzzles me is the log
I used to always see some useful info there, like number of connecting clients
during the last 6 hours etc.
I have an entry:
[notice] Clean shu
401 - 500 of 1440 matches
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