t was a (D)DoS attack, and the provider is confused about where it was
coming from?
Perhaps the server was used in a (D)DoS attack? (Does it serve DNS? Does that
DNS have large records?)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C
>>>>> ___
>>>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-b
ries, and then
obsoleted in a subsequent alpha, because only clients use IPv6 for directory
fetches, and clients only use the IPv6 ORPort. There's no way to advertise an
IPv6 DirPort, and no reason for a relay to have one.)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
ay, if you can.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmmp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
> On 3 Aug 2016, at 10:29, teor wrote:
> Clients on and earlier still use the IPv4 DirPort.
> (Tor Browser is still, and apps in general may take some time to
> upgrade.)
> Authorities on0.2.7.6 and earlier will only assign the HSDir flag to relays
o. So maybe this once changing
> /lib was actually ok :)
Hi weasel,
It looks like you changed it in
but not in:
Is this intentional?
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
have the same
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GP
s up.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
solutions as to how Tor can help not seeing exit-nodes coming
>>> and going because of worm spreading?
Tor doesn't discriminate based on traffic, so this is a hard problem.
Over the long term, encourage destinations (or server providers) to block
particular problematic traffic, rather
> On 18 Aug 2016, at 15:46, Andrew Deason wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Aug 2016 12:23:15 +1000
> teor wrote:
>> Has anyone checked if the logs on other resolvers (like unbound) have
>> the same issue?
> On my exit running unbound, I haven't seen any mess
consequences to traffic selection.
> the white rider
> (Het leuke van ... is
> the white rider
> (Het leuke van ... is
> On 18 aug. 2016, at 01:30, teor wrote:
>>> On 18 Aug 2016, at 08:23, majacobs wrote:
lso ok to set up a bridge for your local tor clients, and have them
access the tor network through that bridge.
There's no need to run an exit relay locally.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
so upstream changes will automatically be
included in Atlas.
(I'm not sure what our update schedule is for Atlas.)
We're working on getting better AS information here:
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855
r most threat models, yes, it's quite secure.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed w
m in the loop, so that relay operators know who to contact if I'm away.
(Oh, and please let us know if you're getting *too much* email!)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teo
ays that aren't listed in the
> ## main directory. Since there is no complete public list of them, even an
> ## ISP that filters connections to all the known Tor relays probably
> ## won't be able to block all the bridges. Also, websites won't treat you
> ## differently
el free to get in touch with him, I've CC'd him on
this email.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Mes
> elsewhere, even on better qualifying the default 'more nodes good' idea.
There are also latency and contention considerations: an network that runs at
40% capacity has much better latency properties than one at 90% capacity. Also,
in the Tor network, as soon as cells are
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
nough), and at least somewhat closer to not being
> practically idle. Can you launch 'top' and press '1' there to check?
> Also seems unclear why it didn't get the guard flag for so long, does your
> public IP address change from time to time? Or do you turn the
Or perhaps other traffic on your connection competes with the Tor traffic, and
causes it to time out?
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
> On 4 Sep 2016, at 22:55, pa011 wrote:
> Am 01.09.2016 um 05:39 schrieb teor:
>>> On 1 Sep 2016, at 13:36, I wrote:
>>> Did someone mention t-shirts?
>>> When is the last time anyone got a
oup dealing with Internet activities), and let them know about Tor and your
Exit relay. And let them know you don't keep any logs, and Tor can't identify
the end user anyway by design. That keeps them informed, and gives them someone
to contact if there are ever any concerns about yo
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> http
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6
case, the specification hard-codes the probability of an exit
> taking on a non-exit role (Wgd, Wmd, and Wme) to 0.
It's also worth noting that Exits will serve directory documents and hidden
service descriptors, and act as introduction and rendezvous points, so your
estimates coul
a datacentre at a large provider, rather than
someone's home internet connection.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Messa
mething like dpkg-divert), or change the
--defaults-torrc path in your service manager (and if you're on Debian, that
file is in /lib/systemd/system, and so you'll need to do dpkg-divert on it).
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
It's completely up to you - I just wanted to describe the security advantages
of a fresh start, versus the traffic advantages (or disadvantages) of keeping
the same relay keys.
> Paul
> Am 12.09.2016 um 03:53 schrieb teor:
>> In Debian, usi
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at tor
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: t
was restarted?
Are its ports open to all other relays?
Can it open connections to other relays, regardless of their ports?
Did you make any other config changes at the same time?
> Am 13.09.2016 um 10:37 schrieb teor:
>>> On 13 Sep 2016, at 18:05, jensm1
>>> wro
;> the VPS control panel), I assume this couldn't be anything drastic like
>> moving the VM to a different host machine.
>> Am 14.09.2016 um 02:10 schrieb teor:
>>>> On 13 Sep 2016, at 23:30, jensm1
>>>> wrote:
t; tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Message signed with O
Also, have you tried searching the mailing list archives?
This question gets asked and answered at least once a month.
> //D.S.
> --
> 8362 CB14 98AD 11EF CEB6 FA81 FCC3 7674 449E 3CFC
> ___
> tor-relays maili
d to seek information.
> /scooby
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mai
of capacity anyway, slightly
more on Exits - this utilisation level helps keep latency low.)
Later versions have better multithreading and crypto optimisations - thanks for
keeping your relay up-to-date.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 4
> sadly, tor doesn't do very well on ipv6. )
You can run two tor instances per IPv4 address.
Alternately, if your relay fingerprint has had a particularly bad set of random
selections, you could try deleting the RSA and Ed25519 identity keys, and
starting again. This will reset your repu
ut traffic?
Do you run a local, caching, DNS resolver?
That could be a bottleneck, as almost all of your observed bandwidth is based
on exit traffic.
The details are below:
> On 22 Sep 2016, at 03:58, D. S. Ljungmark wrote:
> On tor, 2016-09-22 at 06:29 +1000, teor wrote:
> On 22 Sep 2016, at 11:55, Dennis Ljungmark wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 6:30 PM, teor wrote:
>> ...
>>>> Have you considered configuring an IPv6 ORPort as well?
>>>> (It's unlikely to affect traffic, but it will help clients that
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproje
(if there are any other error or warning messages besides the one you
> already listed).
The debian packages should set the appropriate file descriptors for you.
How are you launching your tor services?
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F
peration on a socket or pipe
was not performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer
space or because a queue was full.
Cannot allocate memory. The new process image required more
memory than was allowed by the hardware or by system-imposed mem-
ory management constraints…
> Markus
as a normal
> computer/console. When I run Tor myself it's from a different machine in
> order to use the Tor browser. All I want the mini to do is act as a relay,
> nothing more.
Here's how you can start a relay on OS X on boot:
be used twice, once with an IPv4 address and once
with an IPv6 address. Outbound traffic on a non-exit relay is all IPv4,
and it will use the routing table if you don't use OutboundBindAddress.
Unless you have multiple IPv4 addresses, it won't make any difference.
Tim Wilson-Brown
ou need them.
When your relay publishes a descriptor, it will make more circuits as needed to
relay client traffic.
> On 03.10.2016 03:34, teor wrote:
>>> On 2 Oct 2016, at 17:17, Sheesh
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for everybody's input. I decided t
> On 2 Oct 2016, at 19:10, Tristan wrote:
> Um, yes it will. I don't have ExitRelay in my torrc file at all, and it exits
> just fine.
Yes, you're right, ExitRelay is auto by default, which means Exit, but warn.
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 9:03 PM, teor
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/ma
on IP and port if the remote
site wanted us to. We never received a reply.
What does OVH expect its Exit operators to do with complaints?
Should we have blocked each complaining IP address as soon as we received a
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
f this is even feasible,
and, if it is, what rate limits should apply to what ports.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Description: Mes
In my experience, the abuse complaints are auto-generated, and no-one
replies to my offer to block the site. So why not eliminate the
complaints? Then everyone will be happy. Except the bot-herders.
> Markus
> 2016-10-09 1:57 GMT+02:00 teor :
priority is local network
censorship-evasion, then IPv6 might just work for you.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
et it working but have
> commented out the obfs4 line for now.
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-B
> In other words, for non-exit relays, there is no need to enable IPv6 at
> this time, only if you use it as a bridge and/or as an IPv6-only client.
No, that's not what I said.
On non-exit relays, please enable the IPv6 ORPort.
There's no need to enable an IPv6 DirPort.
cial torproject onions are here:
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
> But I consistently get speedtest.net upstream tests above 20 megabits/sec to
> different speedtest sites around eastern US "hubs" (atlanta, virginia, ie,
> places that have bandwidth). So I don't understand.
I would say "ask your provider", but I doubt they
onsequently, I have to
> keep an eye on /etc/resolv.conf to ensure that it always points to my
> Unbound instance. I take immediate action if this is not the case.
You might find ServerDNSResolvConfFile useful if you want to avoid using
the default system resolver file /etc/resolv.conf
values it only seems to refresh for the moment
> but when I restart it's back to the errors.
> Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
Tell us what you think the issue is, and what you've tried doing to fix it.
Then we can be more helpful.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
; https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
Of course, that doesn't change the resolver for the rest of your system.
> --
> Jesse
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailm
just LibreSSL.
Maybe mention the bug number on tor-talk, so that poster can provide
more details?
> --
> Best regards, Felix
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject
can provide
> more details?
> Might be.
> --
> Felix
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
e the
common factor.
Sorry we can't do much to help.
> Thanks again.
> On 10/15/2016 09:08 PM, teor wrote:
>>> On 14 Oct 2016, at 22:23, Tor User
>>> wrote:
>>> I apologize for what is probably bad form in replying to a
uting to the network.
You could try renting a cheap server in a data centre.
Most of them offer static IP addresses.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
ove /var...
> So at final, planning to move :
> /home
> /var
> /tmp
> (why not swap file ?)
> Any suggestions and master's thoughts are welcome :)
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.or
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
ove past 100-200Mbit? Is it just a
>>>>>>>>>>> waiting game?
>>>>> I'd say just run more instances if you still have resources left and
>>>>> want to contribute more bw.
>>>>> (obviously also you
7;t accept attachments :)
It turns them into links.
They work fine.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
> On 27 Oct. 2016, at 00:32, D. S. Ljungmark wrote:
> On tis, 2016-10-25 at 22:52 +1100, teor wrote:
>>> On 25 Oct. 2016, at 22:26, D.S. Ljungmark
>>> wrote:
>>> So, Now I've taken some steps to adjust the state of the
ils are bot related
> and you cant do anything about it.
If you know the destination IP address, and it's a bot Command & Control
server, you could block it. The problem is, many use multiple C&a
caching resolver, you can tell it not to answer requests
for these domains. (Or, more precisely, answer them with NXDOMAIN.)
And you should block the IP addresses for the netblock in your exit policy
as well, so the blocking is at least somewhat transparent.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
ay capable of 2 megabytes per
second. Most clients won't use you for anything if you don't have the Fast
flag, so you'll have minimal impact on the network.
That said, each extra relay adds to the directory download overhead.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot co
or-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> On 1 Nov. 2016, at 23:12, Louie Cardone-Noott wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Nov 2016, at 11:42 AM, teor wrote:
>>> On 1 Nov. 2016, at 15:58, wrote:
>>> In order to clarify this once and for all: If I setup a Tor relay with 200
>>> k
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
To set a private ORPort on an address that's not public, use:
ORPort IP:Port NoAdvertise
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A
the IP range is all the possible combinations of all the remaining bits.
> On Nov 1, 2016 9:58 AM, "teor" wrote:
> > On 2 Nov. 2016, at 01:54, SuperSluether wrote:
> >
> > So, I tried putting the IPs into my exit policy like this:
> >
> > xx.xx.
e want to assume that new relays will have the network average
uptime. So any uptime that's better than average should improve your relay's
chances of getting the Guard flag.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C B
observed maximum
bandwidth is almost identical to the bandwidth measured by the bandwidth
If you want to fix this, add more bandwidth.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
e same as
> the bandwidth measured by the bandwidth
> authorities.
> If you want to fix this, add more bandwidth.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0
, this means increasing BandwidthRate and BandwidthBurst.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torpro
an ISP to change prefixes for IPv6, they should
have plenty of address space. Sounds like they're treating it just
like IPv4.)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D9
000 - 23232
> 140 times exactly 49 repeats in around 2 hours.
> Interesting is that there is no error about this 503 error in the log
> only my monitoring is aware of the issue.
> I hope you coul'd help me out with this issue.
Maybe you should turn your log level dow
> * leading to higher network throughput
> Does that sound plausible?
The first two, yes, the last two, perhaps.
Maybe lower latency is more important than throughput?
But each bandwidth authority uses bandwidth that would otherwise be available
to clients. So there is a tradeoff.
t; So, hopefully 0.2.9 stable will be released soon.
This feature will not be in 0.2.9.
It was something we wanted to do 8 months ago, but no-one actually
worked on it, so the ticket was triaged out of 0.2.9.
You can watch here for any progress:
> On 10 Nov. 2016, at 10:12, diffusae wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks a lot for you reply.
> On 08.11.2016 22:56, teor wrote:
> ...
>> You want this one, which is not fixed:
>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5940
> Maybe it will
> On 11 Nov. 2016, at 05:39, diffusae wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks for your help.
> On 10.11.2016 02:31, teor wrote:
>> No-one is working on it, as far as I know.
> All right, now I see. It's a "nice to have feature", but I don
the new name for arm).
And please also log a ticket under Core Tor / Tor saying that we are
modifying Nickname from its default value, and writing it out again,
rather than modifying our idea of it internally.
what are the logs?
In any case, what does Tor try to do every 5 minutes?
(Look at the info or debug logs.)
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
xmpp: teor at torproject dot org
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
bfs4.go packet.go
> statefile.go
> obfs4/transports/obfs4/framing:
> framing.go framing_test.go
> obfs4/transports/scramblesuit:
> base.go conn.go handshake_ticket.go handshake_uniformdh.go hkdf_expand.go
> ____
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
Tim Wilson-Br
If your provider is that sensitive about DNS traffic, it might be
best to point your resolver at some other public DNS servers.
But please don't use Google, they see too much Tor DNS
Can you help us understand what the problem is?
You might need to use "Log info file info.log" or
"Log debug file debug.log" to get enough detail for us to help you.
Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
teor2345 at g
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 1:21 AM, teor wrote:
> > On 19 Nov. 2016, at 09:52, Kevin Zvilt wrote:
> >
> > 11/18/2016 17:28:08 PM.600 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake
> > with first hop
> > 11/18/2016 17:2
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