Re: [tor-relays] A new kind of attack?

2024-01-18 Thread eff_03675549
Hi, I just received a DDOS attack on a pretty settled exit relay. Who DDOS a Exit relay but the state or victim of it potential abuses? Here the relay is in India. Thank you for sharing this observation. I firmly believe in the similar situation applying. On 16.01.2024 15:29, li...@for-privac

[tor-relays] tor relayS! stuck at 100% bootstrapped - not kickstarting 8B6A6D02A80A7CBB1ED0630150D8D9F9F7D471AF

2024-01-29 Thread eff_03675549
Hi. I am trying several Singapoor relays stuck at 100% bootstrapped without any coming speed evaluation nor id key attributions, 8B6A6D02A80A7CBB1ED0630150D8D9F9F7D471AF one middle/guard out of 4/5 came out witn keys an shows in relay search still without any speed attribution now over 48 hours

[tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD

2024-02-08 Thread eff_03675549
Hi, I have been looking too far and for too long on solving multiple imstances / nodes per ONE IPv4, and found only outdated problems unwell built. Please when you have a bash sript / receipe, I would welcome that. Hardening options would be very welcome too. C. _

Re: [tor-relays] Next Tor Relay Operator Meetup - 2024-01-27 @ 19:00 UTC

2024-02-20 Thread eff_03675549
Hi, bridges added, democracy and elections indonesia where do we send the fingerprints to for readiness?. On 06.02.2024 20:15, gus wrote: Hello, Thanks everyone for joining the Tor Relay Operator Meetup on January. Our next meetup will happen on **March 2nd** at 1900 UTC. I'll send an invita

Re: [tor-relays] Hardware sizing for physical exit node

2024-07-11 Thread eff_03675549
Hi, my personnal experience with many many instances on never redundant hardware (I know diversity in hardware, locations...): This is Exit specific: 1) never more than 4GB ram per core and never less than 2 cores per IP, let me explain: a) most people will tell you that instances run per

Re: [tor-relays] DDOS alerts from my provider

2024-08-09 Thread eff_03675549
Hi Rafo, My apologies for the late reply in your request for the code on banning tor exits into *GUARDS or middle-relays* * * * * rm ../../etc/cron.d/updateSSHkey echo "0 0 * * *  root wget -P /root/scriptsremote/"; >  ../../etc/cron.d/blacklis

Re: [tor-relays] Archive key from was renewed!

2024-08-11 Thread eff_03675549
Hi all, wait: I just installed a fresh relay and the torproject is still outdated with the old keyring! (I had to add sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver  74A941BA219EC810 to my script). Isn't this insane given that new comers are going to install vulnerable relays by def

Re: [tor-relays] Archive key from was renewed - mind the * deb * !

2024-08-11 Thread eff_03675549
OK, I code-solved my own misery : This change is an improvement YET really the subtle minor 3-lettered increment is UNobvious to people like I: BE VERY CAUTIOUS of the   * D.E.B * novelty in the tor.list file: echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/deb.tor-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb

Re: [tor-relays] Archive key from was renewed - mind the * deb * !

2024-08-16 Thread eff_03675549
Hi all and cheers for all your replies. I aimed to convey: I have no (longer) update issues from the moment I recently found out that the change introduced beginning of this month was NOT A CHANGE OF KEY rather this was AN UPDATE IN THE REPO ()we returned to a deb.only repos for all. And wha

[tor-relays] 2024 : time to stop using Telegram (e.g. in Bridge line communication.).

2024-08-26 Thread eff_03675549
Telegram is Russian and spying : - creator Pavel Durov a Russian who refuses to use the world-known encryption algorythms and uses his (MTProto) implying that the Russian have the encryption keys. source : - The servers

Re: [tor-relays] 2024 : time to stop using Telegram (e.g. in Bridge line communication.).

2024-08-30 Thread eff_03675549
*And anybody can be arrested *for having some Anti-regime conversation*over Telegram* that has spontaneously opted for Obscure, - closed source-code, - non-auditable, - servers in the EAU, - with a weak-encryption one-of-a-kind alternative to globally recognized consensus, - long known to be f

Re: [tor-relays] simple instructions to the expiredkey issue, pls.?

2024-09-06 Thread eff_03675549
Hi... Uhmmm shouldn't we exactly the opposite change your quote : wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/*tor*-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null to *

[tor-relays] bandwidth measurement question.

2024-09-11 Thread eff_03675549
Hi all, - A shamefully basic question please: This statistics / metrics http://dud2sxm6feahhuwj4y4lzktduy7v3qpaqsfkggtj2ojmzathttkegoid.onion/bandwidth?limit=4&search=CB44E8ED1FAB648275C39756EB1758060C43BCA4&fields=write_history offers two variables: + factor + values *what are the units