Re: [tor-relays] Intrusion Prevention System Software - Snort or Suricata

2016-10-04 Thread BlinkTor
> On Oct 4, 2016, at 7:48 AM, pa011 wrote: > > One of my main ISP is going mad with the number of abuses he gets from my > Exits (currently most on port 80). > He asks me to install "Intrusion Prevention System Software" or shutting down > the servers. > He personally recommends Snort or Suri

Re: [tor-relays] Handling abuse - like to get your help please

2016-06-21 Thread BlinkTor
On Jun 20, 2016, at 4:19 AM, pa011 wrote: > > Hi all, > > thanks again for your hints - in my case they obviously find Tor less > fancy - their response today is following: > > "Hello. > You need to take steps to ensure that the complaint would be no longer > received. > This software is only a

Re: [tor-relays] Handling abuse - like to get your help please

2016-06-21 Thread BlinkTor
If you know your ISP, the best thing to do is try to schedule a face-to-face meeting with their management and security personnel. Be prepared to explain Tor, its essential function, and both the pros and cons of running an exit. Then listen to their concerns, and try to address them. Ultimately