[tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD

2024-02-08 Thread eff_03675549
Hi, I have been looking too far and for too long on solving multiple imstances / nodes per ONE IPv4, and found only outdated problems unwell built. Please when you have a bash sript / receipe, I would welcome that. Hardening options would be very welcome too. C. _

Re: [tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD

2024-02-08 Thread Isaac Grover, Aileron I.T.
Hi C, Could nusenu's ansible playbook "relayor" work for your request? More info at https://github.com/nusenu/ansible-relayor Make your day great, Isaac Grover, President/vCIO Aileron I.T. - " Because #ProactiveIsBetter " O: 715-377-0440, F:715-690-1029, W: www.aileronit.com 

Re: [tor-relays] request for receipes MULTI-instances of ethe4 Guard, Bridge, Exits, snowflake , Tunnel, or both DEBIAN and OpenBSD

2024-02-08 Thread admin--- via tor-relays
You can have 2 separate relays on the same IPv4 address. Are you running into issues? On Wednesday, February 7th, 2024 at 16:41, eff_03675...@posteo.se wrote: > > > > Hi, > > I have been looking too far and for too long on solving multiple > imstances / nodes per ONE IPv4, > and foun