For your firewall settings, you will find everything you need here:
It is the common setting for most Tor operators.
Although, I don't think it is the source of your problem and I wouldn't worry
too much about it unless it happens repeatedly.
The log in "/
On 12/8/23 04:19, Mulloch94 via tor-relays wrote:
HHm, what's about local traffic, e.g.: -A INPUT --in-interface lo -j ACCEPT
or ICMP, e.g.: -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
To persist your firewall rules take a look at this doc [1]
Hello exit node operators!
Today (2023-12-08) the Network Team has released a new Tor version,[1]. This update contains a fix to a remotely triggerable crash
bug (TROVE-2023-007) affecting exit relays on the 0.4.8.x series. Please
upgrade as soon as possible to maintain network stabil
And epel repo for Centos and Almalinux pretty please...
On 12/8/2023 3:20 PM, Georg Koppen wrote:
> Hello exit node operators!
> Today (2023-12-08) the Network Team has released a new Tor version,
>[1]. This update contains a fix to a remotely triggerable
> crash bug (TROVE-2023-007) a