Chowning the torrc file fixed it, and I tried adding myself to the Tor group
but that doesn't exist for whatever reason. However chowning the torrc file and
then rebooting caused Tor to give my relay a new fingerprint which is slightly
annoying. New relay though so I'm not too bothered by it.
Hello AceOfRelays32,tor automatically fixes the permissions of the tor folder.If you want to access nyx you can either add yourself to the tor group or use sudo -u tor nyx to start nyx.KindlyJonasAm 24.05.2020 23:22 schrieb AceOfRelays32 :It would seem my relay is fully functional. Being it has onl
It would seem my relay is fully functional. Being it has only been up for less
than 3 hours though I can't 100% confirm that. Anyways, when I launch nyx to
check it's status, I get a permission error from /run/tor/control.authcookie.
Chowning /run/tor/control.authcookie and then running nyx solve