Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-09 Thread starlight . 2015q3
At 12:21 10/9/2015 -0700, Green Dream wrote: > . . . >If you want a box with AES-NI and a gigabit ethernet interface, cost starts >jumping up to several hundred US doll

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-09 Thread Green Dream
> If you're just after something that's > cheap and Pi-sized, you'd probably have better luck with something like > the ODROID C1[0]; you still may not saturate the link though. >From experience, an ODROID box won't help too much. It just doesn't have enough CPU. For a little over $100 (USD), you

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-09 Thread Sharif Olorin
Hi Alex, In addition to potential attention from law enforcement agencies, keep in mind that running a Tor exit from your home connection (assuming you aren't able to get a second dedicated IP for the relay) is likely to significantly impact your regular Internet use. Some service providers either

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-08 Thread Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
> On 8 Oct 2015, at 23:50, Alex Haesche wrote: > > The common theme seems to be "don't do it." This is a little disappointing > because I want to contribute somehow. I’d say: "do it, but be aware of the likely range of outcomes”: * home relays may attract police attendance in certain jurisdict

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-08 Thread I
Have a go.Wanting to contribute to privacy is admirable.A relay is a good start.Robert  -Original Message-From: cayden_...@yahoo.comSent: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 12:50:54 + (UTC)To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.orgSubject: Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion PiThe common theme seems to be

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-07 Thread Moritz Bartl
On 10/07/2015 04:21 AM, Alex Haesche wrote: > I'm looking to start an exit node using this: > > I have 100 Mbps symmetric uncapped internet. > > What do I need to do to prepare and run an exit node? What can you tell > me so I can run this well? Nice l

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-07 Thread Christian Pietsch
Dear Alex, On Wed, Oct 07, 2015 at 02:21:06AM +, Alex Haesche wrote: > I'm looking to start an exit node using > this: Do you realize that the instructions you refer to are for a wireless access point with a built-in Tor proxy rather than for a Tor

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-07 Thread Greg Moss
-Original Message- From: tor-relays [] On Behalf Of Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 11:38 PM To: Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi On 10/07/2015 03:21 AM, Alex Haesche

Re: [tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-06 Thread Miguel Barbosa Gonçalves
On 10/07/2015 03:21 AM, Alex Haesche wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm looking to start an exit node using this: > > I have 100 Mbps symmetric uncapped internet. > > What do I need to do to prepare and run an exit node? What can you tell > me so I can run thi

[tor-relays] Exit Node with Onion Pi

2015-10-06 Thread Alex Haesche
Hi all, I'm looking to start an exit node using this: have 100 Mbps symmetric uncapped internet. What do I need to do to prepare and run an exit node? What can you tell me so I can run this well?___ tor-rela