> is stable
Earlier in the thread you said "I wouldn't recommend upgrading to 0.3.0 or
later, there are stability issues on some clients, and maybe relays." That's
what I was referring to. I think we're having a semantic argument; "stable"
release doesn't always mean the software is act
> On 19 Oct 2017, at 08:17, tor wrote:
> It's a shame there's no Ubuntu package for the long-term support Tor release.
> Thanks Teor for filing a ticket, but it doesn't look like it will be acted
> upon. It seems like a problem to me. I guess it's a matter of what is
> considered "stable"?
> I doubt this bug is the cause if it's just happened recently.
> It's more likely that your relay is the HSDir for some popular
> onion service. Or a genuine DDoS.
I still don't know what's going on. I'd say any of these are possibilities:
- The bug that results in fallback directories getting e
> On 17 Oct 2017, at 21:43, tor wrote:
> > There's a bug in 0.3.0 and later that causes clients to fetch
> > microdescriptors from fallbacks. So fallbacks (and authorities)
> > will have extra load until that's fixed.
> >
> > https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23862
> Makes se
> There's a bug in 0.3.0 and later that causes clients to fetch
> microdescriptors from fallbacks. So fallbacks (and authorities)
> will have extra load until that's fixed.
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23862
Makes sense. The relay can't keep up with the extra load. It's basi
> On 17 Oct 2017, at 17:02, tor wrote:
> > You are on and #20059 was merged in
> > https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/ReleaseNotes?h=release-0.2.9
> I see. I'm trying to stay on 0.2.9.x since that is considered the "long-term
> support" release. This is a fallback
> You are on and #20059 was merged in
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/ReleaseNotes?h=release-0.2.9
I see. I'm trying to stay on 0.2.9.x since that is considered the "long-term
support" release. This is a fallback directory mirror which I'd like to keep as
stable as
tor wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm troubleshooting a Linux relay where the Tor service is having
> problems. External monitoring alerts indicate both the ORPort and
> DirPort are unreachable (TCP connection timeout). I can ssh in and the
> Tor service is still running. The node seems to have increased memor
I'm troubleshooting a Linux relay where the Tor service is having problems.
External monitoring alerts indicate both the ORPort and DirPort are unreachable
(TCP connection timeout). I can ssh in and the Tor service is still running.
The node seems to have increased memory usage at this poin