Don't know what FDE is, but at Frantech/BuyVM you can install everything
because you can upload your own ISO.
FDE means Full Disk Encryption.
Remember, running FDE in virtual environment we give access to
encryption keys to admin of the host machine :)
On Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024 00:18:28 CET MRob via tor-relays wrote:
> Hello- Im looking for <= $6/mo VPS suggestions for general non-tor
> server and also for tor. Some super-cheap hosts pre-install O/S and give
> root but I want to install O/S myself so can put in FDE. Hard to see
> which hosts
IONOS is good - just keep the data throughput around 25%, and they should leave
you alone.
- Original Message -
From: "MRob via tor-relays"
Cc: "MRob"
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 10:18:28 AM
So my relay at
is again saying it's new despite that it's been running for a few years
now. Second time this has happened. Thanks.
tor-relays mailing
Thanks. How in torrc to configure no ipv6? Thanks.
On Sat, Feb 17, 2024, 4:42 PM Keifer Bly wrote:
> Hi,
> So my relay at
> Goes offline at sporadic times. Upon checking the tor log file
Hello- Im looking for <= $6/mo VPS suggestions for general non-tor
server and also for tor. Some super-cheap hosts pre-install O/S and give
root but I want to install O/S myself so can put in FDE. Hard to see
which hosts can do this.
I tried Linode before and yes, could get FDE
($5 1GB, 1CPU,