On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:40:44 +0200
Jesus Cea wrote:
> # Declaramos que este nodo TOR es accesible a través de IPv6
> ORPort [::]:PUERTO_TOR
You thought it would be this simple. Nope, unlike every other IPv6-capable
program on Earth, in Tor this syntax of "bind to all IPs" is not supported.
On 13/05/15 00:09, Moritz Bartl wrote:
> Hi!
> We still have a depressingly low number of relays that support IPv6
> (currently only ~120 of ~1900 relays). If your host supports IPv6,
> please enable it, especially if you run an exit! This has to be done
> explicitly.
> https://trac.torprojec