Re: [tesseract-ocr] Training Tessearct for custom data --Urgent Help Required

2021-03-20 Thread Shree Devi Kumar
Yes, finetuning can be done. Please see If you already have scanned images and their box files you can also try makefile based training using the tesstrain repo. On Fri, Mar 19, 2021 at 2:31 PM avi

Re: [tesseract-ocr] Detecting language automatically

2021-03-20 Thread Merlijn B.W. Wajer
Hi, On 19/03/2021 10:11, Charles Cho wrote: > Hello, > I'm working on a ocr android app based on tesseract. > I want to add feature that detects language automatically and recognize > at least 2 languages at once. > I have investigated on that for a while so I know that I have to specify > languag