Re: [tesseract-ocr] Column splitting failed around fuzzy line

2018-04-11 Thread ShreeDevi Kumar
Try to look at leptonica sample programs about column splitting to see if you can preprocess the image better, before giving to tesseract On Wed 11 Apr, 2018, 11:46 AM Ewan Mellor, wrote: > Hi, > > > I am using Tesseract 4 (git 10f4998a) to process a file with two columns. > A snippet of the im

[tesseract-ocr] Column splitting failed around fuzzy line

2018-04-10 Thread Ewan Mellor
Hi, I am using Tesseract 4 (git 10f4998a) to process a file with two columns. A snippet of the image is shown below. The problem is that there is a fuzzy line between the two columns, and the column detector has got confused. I've ended up with one block covering the first column up to "