Sounds like SOMEONE got into your system. FIRST check your
daemons, make sure something isn't running that SHOULDN'T be.
THEN check to make sure that what IS running is the proper file
(replacement of a valid program with a trojan). THEN check your
outbound mail for something that shouldn't be
Your smb.conf file would probably help a bit. However I've noticed
that windows 9X tends to not "see" network machines at times,
and continues to no notice them. But to be certain that it's not
win9x misbehaving (as usual), check if you can browse the linux
box from the NT machine that you're
MY idea of a big upgrade is having a kernel that supports my AAA-
133 card. TOTAL waste being in an NT terminal server... :/
> Emily, whose idea of a big upgrade is actually having a modem that works
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FIRST do an e2fsck on your drives, perhaps you have a bad HD
that has a spreading corruption (read; bad part of the media that's
spreading (surface "sluffing", was a rather common problem with
conner HD's back before Seagate bought them out).
Second, re-verify your init.d files, make certain th
Ever heard of hardware failure such as a HD going south? Does the
same thing, eventually the OS hangs and begins running properly
again on disk access. The final end is when it hangs forever due to
not finding a sector to read or even report the error to...
> In general, if you're using a stabl