[techtalk] Using Linux to backup Windows 98

1999-12-02 Thread faber
Hi, I have a dual-PII server with a Sony SDT-9000 DAT drive. I have been happily backing up about 40 Windows 98 machines (yuck) with smbtar. However, I am not totally pleased with this setup. First, I am not happy about the way the smbtar script handles passwords. Second, I am not running a

Re: [techtalk] Lotus Notes client for Unix?

2000-02-04 Thread faber
- Allison Faber Computer Specialist Nebraska Network for Children and Families http://nncf.unl.edu/ On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Harry Hoffman wrote: > Hey Wendy, >I know that IBM put out Domino for Linux but I don't > know about a simple client. This was a question for me a >

[techtalk] Student information system for Linux?

2000-08-29 Thread Allison Faber
Does anyone know of a student information system (SIS) for Linux, or even another flavor of unix? The SIS system needs to be able to handle class registration and scheduling, transcripts, etc. - Allison Faber Computer