[techtalk] Missing "taskbar" in KDE??

2000-02-25 Thread Storm
omise to start learning more about Linux so I can live without the bar. :) Thank You all in advance. Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org

[techtalk] Can I change my mind now??

2000-02-28 Thread Storm
elf get so complacent and reliant on the KDE.) The question is,... where do I change this,... ?? (I'm fairly sure I can figure out the second step, that being when I'm tired of the commandline stuff, how to get back into the KDE :) ) Thanks All, Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org

Re: [techtalk] Problem with LILO & booting

2000-03-01 Thread Storm
o. And I'm not sure how good the Partition Magic Fat to NTFS conversion is. ) Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org

[techtalk] Thanks to all (Was: Missing "Taskbar" in KDE)

2000-03-01 Thread Storm
that I was asked to make a boot disk, but no root disk. I think therein lies my problem. I have to make one of those, or else I can't do any repairs. (all I get is "Kernel Panic") I will be taking that on this week, between sanding and painting in the house :) Thanks Again everyone Sto

[techtalk] Proggy for Linux that will create PDF files??

2000-03-03 Thread Storm
I am looking for one of these. I thought Framemaker,.. but it seems that it won't save in that format ( from what I heard, haven't had time to fight with it yet.) Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org

[techtalk] Speaking of Webcam's for Linux,...

2000-03-23 Thread Storm
Is there a program that can support a USB webcam?? (I have a kodak dvc 325) And will any webcam work? or only the CVideo-Mail Express that GeekGrrl mentioned? (Apologies if this has already been covered,.. I caught this thread late) Storm

Fw: [techtalk] Linux Webcam - Link to MCAM was wrong...

2000-03-23 Thread Storm
Forwarded correspondance that I sent to the wrong addy :) Storm -Original Message- From: Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Lynette Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thursday, March 23, 2000 12:30 PM Subject: Re: [techtalk] Linux Webcam >no problem,.. nothing a REALLY