[techtalk] Linux with SMP on Sun E1000

2000-10-21 Thread Mindi
Can anyone help me with this? I am trying to get a Sun 1000 server with the Linux OS installed and compiled for SMP support. It just hangs the box when trying to boot into the newly compiled kernel. Boots ok in single processor mode. Thanks! ___ tech

Re: [techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] girly t-shirts

2000-10-24 Thread Mindi
Linux General Store is a retail store front in Atlanta. We display Linux products from ANY vendor, as long as it works! We also provide services and training. We are looking for people who want to own a franchise. Our goal is to have a "Radio Shack" model with stores near everyone's homes. sara r

Re: [techtalk] windoze-based distros

2000-10-25 Thread Mindi
There is a very expensive route with Citrix but if not everyone needs a mixed environment, don't even look at it. Tarantella is working on their Linux stuff and is more reasonable than Citrix price-wise. And you can set up a linux session with an ASP at www.workspot.com. But, I also have used v

Re: [techtalk] laptops and drivers

2000-10-25 Thread Mindi
Impression laptops at http://www.linuxgeneralstore.com/home.php3?prodloci=laptops&javascriptset=0&loci=products also at http://www.emperorlinux.com/ Jill Cote wrote: > > Hi > I am new with Linux, although I have been reading this > list for a few months. I have installed Red Hat 3 or > 4 time