Hi all,
I've actually not been near this computer since this morning. I'm taking
my temperature as we speak. Anyway, I was just going through all of my
email and I received some feedback from a very good friend of mine who
installed the WinLinux2000 which I had mentioned earlier this week.
This is *exactly* the kind of thing that needs to go in the new manual. I
never new what the different run levels meant (except that run level 0 has
been reached meant I had completed my shutdown)
The explanation is perfect. I learned something today! And, I even got a
few shortcuts to repl
>I may be a day late and a dollar short , but I just found the newest
>version and thought I'd pass along the URL.
>I'm bookmarking for when I *know* how to get mine to open! LOL
> http://www.enlightenment.org/release_0.16.0.html
If you go to the Control Panel in windoze, you can do one of two things.
click on the device manager tab, select View devices by type, then click on
your modem, select properties, from the popup that appears, select the
Resources tab, it should have all I/O info and IRQ info for you there.
I'm still very much a newbie, but I'm wondering if anyone has successfully
installed the Neoplanet Browser version for Linux. I installed it on
Windoze just to check it out and I think it's pretty good actually. It's
much smaller in size as compared to Netscape. (I've never really been a
Well color me red. I know that I saw a version for Win and one for Linux
at http://download.com.
However, in effort to track down the direct link, I can no longer find
either of them. I also went to neoplanet.net and I see now that it says
they are working on compatibility for Linux.
Yes, I
In installed Linux on my secondary hard drive and I use lilo to boot. I
didn't install any portion of Linux on my master Hard drive. If you do
this though, when you want to run linux you'll need to do boot with a floppy.
I did it that way because of my paranoia with Windows :)
I'm too much
How long have I been on this mailing list now? I am doing a happy dance
because yesterday I finally was able to get OSS to find, see, recognize and
install my sound card and it WORKS!!! Of course, I put another sound card
in. I just couldn't the on board sound card to be recognized no matter
Have you tried Star Office?
At 05:45 PM 11/10/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone out there have an opinion on Applixware? I am on the hunt for
>better wordprocessing software for Linux. Currently, I have Corel
>WordPerfect, but it renders the fonts in such an ugly way on screen that