[techtalk] Kmail problem.

1999-10-07 Thread Lillann Henriksen
Hi all. I'm running RedHat6.0 and used Kmail for my mail. It worked fine -untill one day. Suddenly an errormsg showd up - saying:"Kmail fatal error: In file tools/qgarray.cpp, line 372: Out of memory."Now that message pops up every time I try to start it. I've searched my entire machine - and

Re: [techtalk] Netscape and Java

1999-10-15 Thread Lillann Henriksen
> Anyone got HotJava running? What's it like? I have the HotJava browser on my Solaris machine, but I don't use it very often... It's an OK browser, but apprears a bit slow to me... But it can run WebNFS - and no other browser does that. (that I know of anyway) Did that answer your question?